Training the Trainers with Conrad Schumacher
Published 29.09.2015
Training problems and solutions.
The scales of training for the horse and the rider.
Sunday 15 November 2015, 9:30–16:00,
Spruce lodge,
Co. Wicklow
- Dressage Ireland members €50
- Others €60
- Payment on the day (members and non-members) €60
Payable by Tuesday 9 November to: South East Dressage by electronic bank transfer.
The BIC is AIBKIE2D and the IBAN is IE72AIBK93334123092026.
Send the completed entry form by email to Mary Cox.
Tea / Coffee / Drinks supplied - please bring your own lunch.
NB: This day is a recognized CPD for H.S.I. Coaches (2 points).
Past Training Notices
04.05.2021 - Training with Anne Marie in Spruce Lodge continues
04.05.2021 - Training with Anne Marie in Spruce Lodge continues
14.02.2021 - Extra Training day with Anne Marie Dunphy in Spruce Lodge
21.01.2021 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphyy
21.01.2021 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphyy
21.01.2021 - South East Region Youth Development Squad
21.01.2021 - South East Region Youth Development Squad
16.11.2020 - Better Riding - The influence of the rider on the horse’s way of going with Christoph Hess
16.11.2020 - Online Judges training Webinar open to all DI Members
06.10.2020 - One Day Adult Camp
06.10.2020 - One Day Adult Camp
30.09.2020 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphy
24.06.2020 - Dates for Youth Development
24.06.2020 - Training with SER
24.06.2020 - Training with SER
18.03.2020 - Evening Demo with Christoph Hess Postponed
18.03.2020 - Evening with Christoph Hess
16.01.2020 - Christoph Hess, International Judge and Coach is coming to the South East Region in April
16.01.2020 - South East Region continued training with Anne Marie Dunphy
05.11.2019 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphy
05.11.2019 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphy
06.07.2019 - !!!! SER Training continues !!!!
05.07.2019 - SER Training Continues
16.05.2019 - Training with Mr. Conrad Schumacher
16.05.2019 - Training with Anne Marie Dunphy Continues in Spruce Lodge
19.12.2018 - January Training with Conrad Schumacher
06.11.2018 - Training with Rien Van der Schaft
24.09.2018 - Training with Mr. Conrad Schumacher
09.07.2018 - South East Region continued training with Anne Marie Dunphy
08.05.2018 - South East Region Training with Anne Marie Dunphy
12.04.2018 - April Training with Anne Marie Dunphy
13.01.2018 - South East Region Training for February
27.11.2017 - December Training with Anne Marie Dunphy
19.10.2017 - Training with Anne Marie Dunphy
18.09.2017 - South East Region Training 24/25 November
21.05.2017 - SER Summer Training
28.10.2016 - Training The Trainers with Mr. Conrad Schumacher
20.10.2016 - Training with Mr. Conrad Schumacher
22.09.2016 - Training The Trainers with Mr. Conrad Schumacher
03.05.2016 - South East Region Youth Development Programme
01.03.2016 - South East Region Youth Development Programme
29.02.2016 - South East Region Training
25.02.2016 - Training with Niall Quirk - Change of dates
12.02.2016 - Next training with Niall Quirk on 23/24 March, 2016
29.01.2016 - South East Region Youth Development Programme
16.12.2015 - Training with Niall Quirke
16.12.2015 - Conrad Schumacher returns on 16/17/18 January
16.12.2015 - Youth Development
18.11.2015 - South East Region Youth Development Programme
07.11.2015 - Training The Trainers with Mr. Conrad Schumacher
29.09.2015 - Training the Trainers with Conrad Schumacher
29.09.2015 - Training with Conrad Schumacher
29.09.2015 - Training with Niall Quirke
28.09.2015 - South East Region Youth Development Programme
28.09.2015 - South East Region - Area Training
16.04.2015 - Training with Paul Hayler 16/17th May, 2015
25.03.2015 - Training with Paul Hayler
12.11.2014 - South East Region Winter Training
22.08.2014 - Joyce Head dressage training for judges, trainers and riders.
14.07.2014 - South East Region Training - 30/31st August
19.03.2014 - Silver Spurs Training and Information Day 17th April, 2014
12.03.2014 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphy
12.03.2014 - South East Region Training with Paul Hayler
27.01.2014 - Ellen Bontje Training
06.01.2014 - SER Training
13.12.2013 - South East Region Training with Paul Hayler
21.07.2013 - Paul Hayler back on Wednesday 31 July and Thursday 1st August
26.06.2013 - Training with Paul Hayler
12.06.2013 - Paul Hayler back on 2/3 July
08.04.2013 - South East Region Training with Paul Hayler
06.03.2013 - Training with Ellen Bontje in South East Region
30.01.2013 - Training with Ellen Bontje in South East Region
25.01.2013 - Dressage Training Solutions For All Sport Horses
13.01.2013 - Hints, Tips and Test Riding Solutions Training Show
14.05.2012 - Training day in Spruce Lodge, Sunday 20th May 2012
21.11.2011 - South East Region Dressage Training Notice
16.06.2011 - South East Region Dressage Youth Development Scheme
04.04.2011 - The Competitive Edge
21.02.2011 - South East Dressage Training Clinic
16.02.2011 - Adult Training Camp
31.01.2011 - Youth Development
14.06.2010 - South East Region Dressage Youth Development Scheme
22.04.2010 - Regional Training with Ellen Bontje
24.02.2010 - Adult Training
20.11.2009 - Training Clinic With Olympic Silver Medallist Ellen Bontje
02.11.2009 - Dressage Training Show
11.12.2009 - Grass Roots to Grand Prix
18.07.2009 - Youth Development Training (under25)
24.03.2009 - South East Region Youth Training (under 21)
24.03.2009 - South East Region Dressage Ireland Adult Training
08.12.2008 - Dressage Training with Anne Marie Dunphy
08.12.2008 - Dressage Training with Sue Smallman
08.12.2008 - Dressage Demonstration with Niall Quirke, National Dressage Rider and Coach