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From the Training Archive...

Training the Trainers with Conrad Schumacher

Published 29.09.2015

Training problems and solutions.

The scales of training for the horse and the rider.

Conrad Schumacher

Sunday 15 November 2015, 9:30–16:00,
Spruce lodge,
Co. Wicklow


  • Dressage Ireland members €50
  • Others €60
  • Payment on the day (members and non-members) €60

Payable by Tuesday 9 November to: South East Dressage by electronic bank transfer.

The BIC is AIBKIE2D and the IBAN is IE72AIBK93334123092026.

Send the completed entry form by email to Mary Cox.

Tea / Coffee / Drinks supplied - please bring your own lunch.

NB: This day is a recognized CPD for H.S.I. Coaches (2 points).

Past Training Notices

Past Training Notices

04.05.2021 - Training with Anne Marie in Spruce Lodge continues

04.05.2021 - Training with Anne Marie in Spruce Lodge continues

14.02.2021 - Extra Training day with Anne Marie Dunphy in Spruce Lodge

21.01.2021 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphyy

21.01.2021 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphyy

21.01.2021 - South East Region Youth Development Squad

21.01.2021 - South East Region Youth Development Squad

16.11.2020 - Better Riding - The influence of the rider on the horse’s way of going with Christoph Hess

16.11.2020 - Online Judges training Webinar open to all DI Members

06.10.2020 - One Day Adult Camp

06.10.2020 - One Day Adult Camp

30.09.2020 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphy

24.06.2020 - Dates for Youth Development

24.06.2020 - Training with SER

24.06.2020 - Training with SER

18.03.2020 - Evening Demo with Christoph Hess Postponed

18.03.2020 - Evening with Christoph Hess

16.01.2020 - Christoph Hess, International Judge and Coach is coming to the South East Region in April

16.01.2020 - South East Region continued training with Anne Marie Dunphy

05.11.2019 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphy

05.11.2019 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphy

06.07.2019 - !!!! SER Training continues !!!!

05.07.2019 - SER Training Continues

16.05.2019 - Training with Mr. Conrad Schumacher

16.05.2019 - Training with Anne Marie Dunphy Continues in Spruce Lodge

19.12.2018 - January Training with Conrad Schumacher

06.11.2018 - Training with Rien Van der Schaft

24.09.2018 - Training with Mr. Conrad Schumacher

09.07.2018 - South East Region continued training with Anne Marie Dunphy

08.05.2018 - South East Region Training with Anne Marie Dunphy

12.04.2018 - April Training with Anne Marie Dunphy

13.01.2018 - South East Region Training for February

27.11.2017 - December Training with Anne Marie Dunphy

19.10.2017 - Training with Anne Marie Dunphy

18.09.2017 - South East Region Training 24/25 November

21.05.2017 - SER Summer Training

28.10.2016 - Training The Trainers with Mr. Conrad Schumacher

20.10.2016 - Training with Mr. Conrad Schumacher

22.09.2016 - Training The Trainers with Mr. Conrad Schumacher

03.05.2016 - South East Region Youth Development Programme

01.03.2016 - South East Region Youth Development Programme

29.02.2016 - South East Region Training

25.02.2016 - Training with Niall Quirk - Change of dates

12.02.2016 - Next training with Niall Quirk on 23/24 March, 2016

29.01.2016 - South East Region Youth Development Programme

16.12.2015 - Training with Niall Quirke

16.12.2015 - Conrad Schumacher returns on 16/17/18 January

16.12.2015 - Youth Development

18.11.2015 - South East Region Youth Development Programme

07.11.2015 - Training The Trainers with Mr. Conrad Schumacher

29.09.2015 - Training the Trainers with Conrad Schumacher

29.09.2015 - Training with Conrad Schumacher

29.09.2015 - Training with Niall Quirke

28.09.2015 - South East Region Youth Development Programme

28.09.2015 - South East Region - Area Training

16.04.2015 - Training with Paul Hayler 16/17th May, 2015

25.03.2015 - Training with Paul Hayler

12.11.2014 - South East Region Winter Training

22.08.2014 - Joyce Head dressage training for judges, trainers and riders.

14.07.2014 - South East Region Training - 30/31st August

19.03.2014 - Silver Spurs Training and Information Day 17th April, 2014

12.03.2014 - SER Training with Anne Marie Dunphy

12.03.2014 - South East Region Training with Paul Hayler

27.01.2014 - Ellen Bontje Training

06.01.2014 - SER Training

13.12.2013 - South East Region Training with Paul Hayler

21.07.2013 - Paul Hayler back on Wednesday 31 July and Thursday 1st August

26.06.2013 - Training with Paul Hayler

12.06.2013 - Paul Hayler back on 2/3 July

08.04.2013 - South East Region Training with Paul Hayler

06.03.2013 - Training with Ellen Bontje in South East Region

30.01.2013 - Training with Ellen Bontje in South East Region

25.01.2013 - Dressage Training Solutions For All Sport Horses

13.01.2013 - Hints, Tips and Test Riding Solutions Training Show

14.05.2012 - Training day in Spruce Lodge, Sunday 20th May 2012

21.11.2011 - South East Region Dressage Training Notice

16.06.2011 - South East Region Dressage Youth Development Scheme

04.04.2011 - The Competitive Edge

21.02.2011 - South East Dressage Training Clinic

16.02.2011 - Adult Training Camp

31.01.2011 - Youth Development

14.06.2010 - South East Region Dressage Youth Development Scheme

22.04.2010 - Regional Training with Ellen Bontje

24.02.2010 - Adult Training

20.11.2009 - Training Clinic With Olympic Silver Medallist Ellen Bontje

02.11.2009 - Dressage Training Show

11.12.2009 - Grass Roots to Grand Prix

18.07.2009 - Youth Development Training (under25)

24.03.2009 - South East Region Youth Training (under 21)

24.03.2009 - South East Region Dressage Ireland Adult Training

08.12.2008 - Dressage Training with Anne Marie Dunphy

08.12.2008 - Dressage Training with Sue Smallman

08.12.2008 - Dressage Demonstration with Niall Quirke, National Dressage Rider and Coach